When is the WPTC Act Coming into Force? What does the Act cover?

04 September 2024

The Answer

The Act received its Royal Assent in September 2023 and was due to come into force September 2024. However, it is now being reported that it will not be introduced.

Instead, reports suggest that the new Labour government intends to reinforce existing employment rights for workers. Labour’s Plan to Make Work Pay stated that “Labour will end one-sided flexibility and ensure all jobs provide a basic level of security and predictability, banning exploitative zero-hours contracts and ensure everyone has the right to have a contract that reflects the number of hours they regularly work, based on a 12 week reference period. We will ensure all workers get reasonable notice of any change in shifts or working time, with compensation that is proportionate to the notice given for any shifts cancelled or curtailed.” These are likely to be included in the Employment Rights Bill. Labour’s manifesto stated this would be introduced within 100 days of government (by 13th Oct 24). At this moment, no further guidance is available.

The WPTCA would have given workers and agency workers the right to request more predictable terms and conditions of work, subject to qualification.

The Risk/Threat

With the government having made its intentions clear, employers need to mindful to steer away from using zero-hours contracts and offering terms that are vague and unpredictable. Continuing to do so may breach future legislation and would require contracts to be updated to become compliant. Furthermore, employers could face compensation claims as indicated above. Advanced planning and preparation are highly recommended so employers can respond to the changes as and when they are introduced.

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