How the Home Office Plans to Reduce Net Migration

21 March 2024

In December 2023, The Home Secretary’s announced his 'five-point plan' to bring down net legal migration. Part of the plan is targeted at skilled workers such as care workers and dependants. So, how exactly will this be achieved by the Home Office?

The Answer

The government introduced a new rule on the 11 March 2024 for care workers with dependant family members. The new rule will now prevent the carer worker from bringing family members to the UK. It will also require all care homes who are sponsors to register. In 2023, the Home Office approved 100,000 Skilled Worker Visas. Of these, 120,000 were work visa applications were submitted by carers and their dependants.

The new law means that dependants of Skilled Workers visa candidates sponsored as care workers and senior care workers will not be allowed to apply for a dependant’s visa for their spouse or child. This will affect Occupation Codes 6145 and 6146. It will not apply to Occupation Code 2231 for roles such as nurses.

The Risk/Threat

To prevent abuse and exploitation, all care home sponsor licence holders now must to be registered with the CQC to be able to sponsor care workers. Employers failing to comply will face investigations and substantial fines.

What You Need To Do

Employer should now follow the new guideline published by the Home Office to ensure compliance. They should also consult with employees who may be affected by the new rules. Employers not sure of their position should seek legal advice.

If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our HR/Legal Advice Line Team at 01455 852 028.




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