Fit for work - set up by Government in 2015

18 January 2017

Do you know the rationale behind the “Fit for Work” initiative?

Fit for Work is free and helps employees stay in or return to work but first a little background.

Employee absence is an ongoing management issue for virtually every organisation. According to a survey carried out by the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) in 2015, employees are absent from work on average for 6.9 days a year. The starting point for employers when formulating a strategy to deal with employee absence is to develop an effective and workable Sickness Absence Policy. This policy statement should set out the rules and procedures that will be followed by the employer in all instances of sickness absence from work, whether authorised by a GP’s medical certificate or for unauthorised periods of absence. The policy should also outline the rules relating to any absence from work for reasons other than sickness.

Employees who have extended periods of absence from work for one or more specific medical reasons offer particular difficulties for employers, not least in obtaining up to date medical evidence on their condition. Being able to accurately assess when an employee is likely to return to normal working is crucial in being able to cover the operational impact of the absent employee. The requirement for employees to attend an independent medical examination and assessment should therefore form part of any Sickness and Absence policy in order that up to date medical evidence can be obtained. However, it is often the case that employers do not retain the services of or have a relationship with a health professional for such eventualities.

The essence of the Fit for Work initiative

In attempting to address this issue, the Government set up a new “Fit For Work” service in 2015. This initiative should not be confused with the assessment interviews that have been commissioned by the DWP for individuals in relation to their eligibility for PIP and ESA (Disability benefit Employment and Support Allowance). These are currently the subject of much debate and disquiet from a number of quarters.

At its launch on 8 September 2015, the DWP confirmed that the rationale and essence of the “Fit for Work” initiative was as follows:

  • Each year, around 865,000 employee absences in England and Wales last for four weeks or more.
  • 74% of employers in England and Wales feel that if they had more external support, employees would be able to return to work earlier following long term sickness absence.
  • 63% of employees who have been off work for four weeks or more in England and Wales feel that with more external help they could have returned to work earlier following a prolonged period of sick leave.
  • Fit for Work is free and helps employees stay in or return to work. It provides an occupational health assessment and general health and work advice to employees, employers and GPs alike.
  • Fit for Work is intended to complement, but not replace, existing occupational health services provided by employers. It will however fill the gap in support that currently exists and will especially benefit those employers who currently have limited in-house occupational health services.
  • Employers can accept Return to Work Plans issued through Fit for Work as evidence of sickness absence in exactly the same way as a GP fit note.
  • GPs and employers can refer a patient or employee by using England and Wales – Fit for Work (Scottish employers should use Fit for Work Scotland)

Return to work plan

Within two working days of a referral to “Fit for Work”, the employee will receive an in-depth consultation with an occupational health professional who will explore all the issues that might be preventing a return to work. This will include work-related and wider personal issues as well as health matters. They will then work with the employer to agree a personalised Return to Work Plan.

The Return to Work Plan will direct employees towards services that will help them overcome any obstacles keeping them away from work. If the employee gives consent, “Fit for Work” professionals can also work directly with employers to help achieve a return to work. The Return to Work plan will provide evidence of sickness for pay purposes, replacing the need for a fit note.

The “Fit for Work” referral service is complemented by a telephone advice line and website, both of which can be used by anyone requiring work-related health advice, including employees, employers and GPs. The service is operated by a team of occupational health professionals employed across the UK by Health Management Limited.

If you are considering using this “Fit for Work” service and/or have any employees whose absence record is giving you headaches, contact Quest HR in the first instance. We will help you to ensure that your existing policies are fit for your work purpose. Our experienced HR consultants will guide you through the best process to achieve effective solutions to absence-related issues for your organisation – and also to comply with the complex law in this area. Visit here if you need to know more about Quest HR Outsourcing  

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